Monday, September 2, 2013

PAX 2013

The last day of PAX is here.  This is the first time it's been four days and it's just crazy exhausting.  I'll be hanging at our booth for most of the day today.  I just got back from Gamescom so adding PAX on top of that makes me feel like I'm stuck in a time loop of game shows.  So swing by and say hi if you are attending.


  1. Hehe, wish it wouldn't be on another continent. ;]

  2. slightly off topic mr. mavor, but any chance of getting some more detailed blog/posts/updates? I mean, (and i want to say this with the best intentions, & hope it doesn't come across as being 'entitled' or something) i pre-ordered PA at the beta level, and i feel a bit like i've been left out of the loop - i can't contribute to the forums; not having played the game (watching videos isn't the same thing!) and your initial few technical posts kinda made me feel like i had an 'inside' perspective on what what being implemented into the game, your rationale behind decisions, and the very interesting technical stuff you've been developing - since you've obviously been busy with the work, and the posts have dried up, it's a bit like being in the corner of the room whilst all the cool kids are partying elsewhere - have you considered maybe a rotating system of posts, from the various members of the team; each detailing what their role is, and the kinds of things they would be interested to write about? otherwise, you know, i'll just wait till december (*siiiiigh*)

    at any rate, all best, hope PAX treated you well

  3. You had a booth at Gamescom? Why didn't I know about that :(

  4. Mavor attended Gamescom, but I don't believe there was an Uber booth.
